@if(Auth::user()) @can('section check')
@endcan @endif
@isset ($banner_style4)
@else @if (Auth::user() || $draft_view == null || $draft_view->status == 'enable')
@endif @endisset
@isset ($banner_style4)

@php echo html_entity_decode($banner_style4->title); @endphp

@php echo html_entity_decode($banner_style4->description); @endphp

@if (!empty($banner_style4->button_name)) {{ $banner_style4->button_name }} @endif @if (!empty($banner_style4->button_name_2)) {{ $banner_style4->button_name_2 }} @endif
@else @if (Auth::user() || $draft_view == null || $draft_view->status == 'enable')

Introduce Our Creative Agency.

Always new beginnings can move the business forward.A user experience is required before service.Now is a great opportunity to work with our and move your brand forward.

View Works
@endif @endisset
@if (is_countable($socials) && count($socials) > 0)
    @foreach ($socials as $social) @if ($social->social_media == 'fab fa-twitter')
  • x icon
  • @elseif ($social->social_media == 'fas fa-tiktok')
  • x icon
  • @else
  • @endif @endforeach @unset ($social)
@else @if (Auth::user() || $draft_view == null || $draft_view->status == 'enable')
@endif @endif @isset ($header_info_style1) {{ $header_info_style1->email }} @else @if (Auth::user() || $draft_view == null || $draft_view->status == 'enable') elsecolor@example.com @endif @endisset
@if(Auth::user()) @can('section check')
@php $url = request()->path(); $modified_url = str_replace('/', '-bracket-', $url); @endphp
@endcan @endif